Premiéra: 2022
Krajina: SWE, FRA, FIN, DNK
Réžia: Tarik Saleh
Scenár: Tarik Saleh
Hrajú: Tawfeek Barhom, Fares Fares, Yunus Albayrak, Abduljabbar Alsuhili
Adamovi, synovi rybára, ponúkli najvyššie privilégium študovať na univerzite Al-Azhar v Káhire, mocenskom centre sunnitského islamu. Krátko po jeho príchode do Káhiry náhle zomrie najvyšší náboženský predstaviteľ univerzity, veľký imám, a Adam sa čoskoro stane figúrkou v neľútostnom boji o moc medzi náboženskou a politickou elitou Egypta. Po analýze egyptskej revolúcie vo filme The Nile Hilton Incident z roku 2017 debutoval Tarik Saleh v súťaži v Cannes filmom Boy From Heaven. Film inšpirovaný knihou Umberta Eca Meno ruže zavedie divákov na univerzitu Al-Azhar v Káhire, kde smrť veľkého imáma môže zmeniť mocenskú dynamiku v krajine. BOY FROM HEAVEN Adam, the son of a fisherman, is offered the ultimate privilege to study at the Al-Azhar University in Cairo, the epicenter of power of Sunni Islam. Shortly after his arrival in Cairo, the university’s highest ranking religious leader, the Grand Imam, suddenly dies and Adam soon becomes a pawn in a ruthless power struggle between Eqypt’s religious and political elite. After dissecting the quickening of Egypt's revolution in The Nile Hilton Incident in 2017, Tarik Saleh made his in Competition debut at the Festival de Cannes with Boy From Heaven. The film was inspired by Umberto Eco's The Name of the Rose, but takes audiences to al-Azhar University in Cairo, where the death of the Grand Imam could change the power dynamics of the country.