Xenia is a great story of a breathtaking success gotten through the hard work and desire to overcome the difficult path of a artist-girl in the world of electronic music.

Zdroj: MocNoc Music

Xenia was born in 1996 in a small village in the Ternopil region in western Ukraine, where she spent her childhood. From the age of 10 she tries to play musical instruments and in order to be able to learn to play the accordion she enters a music school in a neighbouring village. Twenty kilometres is exactly the length of the path that a little girl with a huge accordion case in her hands overcomes several times a week to prove to everyone once and for all that her life mission is music and she is ready to follow it to the end.

Having mastered the DJ techniques and made friends with the DJ gear Xenia began to play at small private events, in 2016 she made her debut on the Radio Intense streaming project - two video DJ mixes, each of which collected more than a million views, this was a turning point of her professional DJ career. 

The difficult pandemic years 2020 and 2021 for the music industry were not wasted - together with IAMT Music Group, Xenia opens her own label Numen, which in a fairly short time turns into a powerful techno brand and a real magnet for a large number of both young and experienced techno producers. She shoots several cool videos that only strengthen her status as the hottest and fastest growing techno diva, and also joins one of the world's best agencies - Analog, preparing to loudly declare herself in the near future and consolidate her position in the hearts of techno lovers from all over the world.

Skybox (includes 8 tickets and 2 bottle service) - 1 000 eur